
70 pages 2 hours read

Such a Long Journey

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1991

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Chapters 9-14Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

Gustad is troubled by Roshan’s continuing illness, the money hiding in his coal cupboard, and Sohrab (though he won’t name this last worry in his own thoughts). As he makes his morning prayers, he marvels that the vinca plant remains so healthy and strong despite the insults it suffers. The police officer, known in the Khodadad Building as Sherlock Bamji, stops to talk to Gustad. Gustad complains to him about the stench from the black wall and asks if Bamji can use his authority to stop people pissing on it. Bamji laughs this off and tells Gustad that Tehmul told him about the big pile of money. Gustad laughs and pretends to think Tehmul was jabbering nonsense. Gustad decides he will have to give Tehmul another warning about their secret.

When Gustad comes home from work, however, Tehmul is not in the compound. Instead, Gustad sees Cavasji leaning out his window, shouting at the sky. His daughter-in-law, Mrs. Pastakia, runs down the stairs to catch Gustad. She asks him for a cutting of the subjo plant for Cavasji’s treatment. Gustad doesn’t like her but gets her the cutting for the old man’s sake. She congratulates him, telling Gustad, “I heard you won a big lottery” (128). Gustad tells her she is mistaken and takes a bit of the subjo inside for Roshan, who is still sick. The next day, Roshan has improved. Gustad writes a note to Ghulam to deliver to Peerbhoy Paanwalla the next day, when Ghulam said he would return.

A week later Gustad goes to see Peerbhoy Paanwalla to ask if there is a reply to his letter from Ghulam. Ghulam has picked up his correspondence but left nothing in reply for Gustad. Three weeks pass and Gustad receives no answer from Ghulam. The monsoons arrive with tremendous rain and thunderstorms. Refugees continue to pour into the country. The damp causes Gustad some pain in his hip. He reflects again on the night Jimmy carried him to the traditional bonesetter who set his hip and prescribed a poultice that Dilnavaz faithfully made and applied every day for 12 weeks despite the backbreaking work. Gustad sleeps fitfully and has bad dreams that include Bamji and Mr. Madon from the bank. Dilnavaz shakes him awake, and he sleeps peacefully the rest of the night.

The next morning it’s raining too hard for Gustad to go outside to say his daily prayers. He notices crows are gathering in the compound, cawing loudly. Gustad goes outside to shoo them away and discovers a rodent with a severed head at the base of the vinca bush. Gustad shows Dilnavaz the gruesome sight and sends Darius to summon Gurkha, the night watchman. Gustad and Dilnavaz suggest to Gurkha that, in the rain, he may have performed his duties poorly the night before. He denies this, saying he walked along all night banging his stick as usual. Nevertheless, he knows nothing about the dead rodent or who placed it by the vinca bush. Gustad tells him he must bang his stick harder so Gustad can hear the sound and know that Gurkha is on duty.

Gustad lays awake to listen for Gurkha’s stick banging the black wall. Hearing it, he goes to sleep. In the morning, however, crows again mass at the compound. Gustad discovers a dead cat in the bush. He tries to keep Dilnavaz from looking, but she sees it and retches. Gustad sends Darius to fetch Gurkha. Darius refuses, not wanting to go out in his pajamas a second time. Tehmul comes upon the scene, and Gustad sends him to get the watchman. Gustad berates Gurkha for not seeing the prowler and threatens to stop Gurkha’s pay. Bamji drives up and stops to see what the matter is. Bamji agrees that Gurkha should have done a better job watching. Gurkha pleads for one more chance, which is granted. A yellow butterfly catches Gustad’s attention when Tehmul starts following it. The butterfly makes Gustad think of Sohrab and his childhood hobby of catching the insects. Dilnavaz knows what Gustad is thinking about and tries to reassure him.

The next morning, Gustad wakes eager to say his prayers outside. He is relieved to see Gurkha standing by the vinca bush. There are no dead animals there. Taking a closer look, Gustad sees a folded piece of paper in the bush. He pulls it out and reads two lines of Gujarati, Gustad’s mother tongue. It’s a quote from a children’s song, slightly altered to read: “Stole the rice of Bilimoria, we’ll take a stick and then we’ll beat ya” (140). Now Gustad understands the meaning of the dead animals left in his vinca bush.

Chapter 10 Summary

Gustad is devastated by the note, “seeing not words or calligraphy, but an incomprehensible betrayal, feeling that some vital part of him had been crushed to nothingness” (141). He realizes this is how his father must have felt after his business went bankrupt and he lost everything. Gustad shows Dilnavaz the note. She wants to go to the police or tell Bamji about the money, the dead animals, and the note. Gustad disagrees, believing that the police will have no authority over someone working for RAW. He tells his wife it could have been Darius or Roshan in the vinca bush instead of small animals. Then he says there is only one path forward. He will begin depositing the money in the bank according to Jimmy’s note. Gustad knows how the bank works. If he deposits one stack of notes each day, 10,000 rupees, he believes it might go unnoticed. It will take a hundred days to deposit the full amount. Gustad will write to Gurkha to explain the plan.

The air raid siren goes off just as Gustad gets off the bus near the bank with the 10,000 rupees in his briefcase. The government has been sounding the siren every morning at 10. There was no official explanation for the practice sirens, so people assume it’s to prepare them for the possibility of war with Pakistan. On the corner by the Flora Fountain, Gustad sees the pavement artist, a man who paints gods and saints from all religions on the sidewalk for coins. Someone has tripped and left a shoeprint in one of the drawings. Gustad watches the artist fix the spot and, as he watches, Gustad decides to come back when he has more time. He has a proposal to make to the artist.

Inside the bank, Gustad finds Dinshawji and asks him to meet outside at the beginning of their lunch break. Gustad is sad to see Dinshawji still looks ill after being back at work for three months. When they meet, Gustad tells Dinshawji about Jimmy’s letter and the plan to deposit the money but leaves out the dead animals and the threatening note. Gustad doesn’t want to scare Dinshawji, so he emphasizes that helping Jimmy means helping the Bangladeshi freedom fighters in their struggle with Pakistan. The more enthusiastic Dinshawji becomes, the guiltier Gustad feels about asking his friend to participate in this scheme. Before going back inside, Gustad opens his lunch box and inserts a note to Dilnavaz saying all is well. Dinshawji spends the last few minutes of the lunch break flirting with Laurie Coutino.

The next day, Dinshawji informs Gustad that the deposit went perfectly. Gustad gives him the next bundle of notes, suggesting he tone down his behavior toward Laurie Coutino. Dinshawji says as long as he keeps up his silly behavior, no one will suspect anything unusual is happening. Gustad agrees, and slowly the bag of money hidden in his house begins to get smaller.

The day that Gustad goes to work with the 27th bundle of money, Dilnavaz is surprised by the doorbell. She has just given Tehmul his glass of lime juice and is washing the glass, wondering when she will see evidence that the ritual is helping Sohrab.

A nun from Roshan’s school is at the door. Roshan is unwell again, and the nun has brought her home from school. Dilnavaz sends Roshan to bed. The girls ask Dilnavaz to call Gustad and ask him to come home early. Dilnavaz goes to Miss Kutpitia’s apartment to make the call. Miss Kutpitia thinks Roshan’s illness is caused by an “evil eye,” which isn’t treatable with conventional medicine (149). She instructs Dilnavaz to make a garland of peppers and lime to hang in the doorway. Dilnavaz agrees to prepare the garland. She comments that the situation with Sohrab isn’t yet resolved. Miss Kutpitia says if she wants magic, she should find a magician. There is another step Dilnavaz can add to the lime juice ritual if she wants to speed up her results. It involves Tehmul’s nails. After that, Miss Kutpitia says, there would only be one remedy to try, and it’s too dangerous. It might result in Tehmul losing his mind altogether. Miss Kutpitia refuses the coins Dilnavaz offers for the use of the phone. Back in the Nobles’ apartment, Roshan is happy to hear her father will be home early.

Arriving home early to see Roshan, Gustad runs into Mr. Rabadi, walking his Pomeranian. The dog barks and lunges for Gustad’s ankles. Gustad, losing his temper, shouts at Mr. Rabadi to control his dog. Mr. Rabadi, losing his temper in turn, shouts that Gustad should control his son and stop him from stealing the newspapers Jasmine collected for the school fundraiser. Gustad goes inside, grabs the stacks of newspapers, and drops them in front of Mr. Rabadi’s front door. On his way, Tehmul approaches Gustad offers to carry the newspapers for him. Gustad yells at Tehmul to go away. Once Gustad goes inside, Tehmul stands by the neem tree, sniffling and crying.

In the kitchen, Dilnavaz is working on the lime and pepper garland to ward off the evil eye affecting Roshan. Alone in the house, she thinks about Sohrab, praying he will come home soon. He has been visiting her less and less often. Dilnavaz calls for Tehmul to come and drink the lime juice. When he holds out his hand for the glass, she tells him she will cut his nails for him. He holds out his sticky fingers so Dilnavaz can trim his nails. She puts the cuttings into a plastic container and says they must also do his toes. Tehmul removes his socks. His feet are flaking, dirty, and smelly. Dilnavaz fights back nausea as she trims his toenails. Then she gives Tehmul the juice, which he drinks happily, and sends him away. Dilnavaz, following Miss Kutpitia’s instructions, burns the nail clippings on hot coals, adding the spices “through which his spirit would reach and yank the evil out of Sohrab’s brain” (153). Choking smoke erupts in the kitchen, and Dilnavaz stands by the open window, tears coursing down her cheeks, until the mixture burns down to nothing.

Chapter 11 Summary

Gustad takes Roshan to Dr. Paymaster, the Nobles’ family physician. His office is located near the House of Cages Brothel and Peerbhoy Paanwalla’s stall. Peerbhoy sells a variety of paan (betel leaf wrapped around various nuts, seeds, and herbs) to address conditions such as insomnia, flatulence, bad breath, and pain. He tells stories as he works, including highly suggestive stories about the neighboring brothel. Gustad visited this doctor’s office when he was a child and snuck out of school as a teen to listen to Peerbhoy Paanwalla’s stories. Gustad reflects on the neighborhood and the groups of people who visit Dr. Paymaster’s dispensary, including mechanics, the tire retreader, the prostitutes from the House of Cages, and the ticket sellers and patrons of the various movie theaters nearby. Dr. Paymaster favors his patients who are families, like the Nobles, as he is particularly interested in treating diseases and injuries of childhood.

Dr. Paymaster offers Gustad and Roshan a drink, and Gustad refuses for them both. Gustad explains Roshan’s ongoing stomach upset, and Dr. Paymaster examines her. He talks to Roshan about her new doll, saying they will have to plan a wedding for it. After the exam, the doctor sends Roshan to sit outside so he can speak to Gustad. He thinks Roshan has an intestinal virus and recommends a bland diet and some medication. Fond of metaphors, Dr. Paymaster talks about Roshan’s virus in terms of politics and East Pakistan, calling her “a patient with a simple sickness but very difficult to cure” (165). When Gustad expresses surprise at the doctor’s expensive bill, Dr. Paymaster reminds him it’s because of the refugee tax.

Dr. Paymaster’s calm demeanor reassures Gustad about Roshan’s condition. As they near the Khodadad Building and Gustad smells the stench coming off the black wall, however, his mood shifts and he begins limping badly. Inside, Gustad reassures Dilnavaz that Roshan will be fine. Dilnavaz thinks their water is making Roshan sick. She wants to boil it and is angry that Gustad insists that their purifying tablets are adequate. They argue. Suddenly they notice Roshan standing in the doorway, upset and crying at her parents arguing. Gustad comforts her, and she demands that Gustad and Dilnavaz kiss and make up. They kiss, but Roshan senses that not all the tension has disappeared. Not knowing what else to do, she goes back to bed.

Mr. Rabadi picks up the papers Gustad has deposited at his front door, enlisting Mrs. Rabadi to help him carry them. Mrs. Rabadi wants to sell the papers, but Mr. Rabadi wants to teach Gustad a lesson. Bumping into Inspector Bamji, Mr. Rabadi says Gustad is trying to kill him, leaving the newspapers at his doorstep for him to trip over. He drops the newspapers close to the bushes, grabbing his wife’s hands to make her let go of her stack as well. He takes out a packet of matches and sets the papers alight. Bamji says nothing. Tehmul comes to watch the flickering flames. Cavasji begins yelling “fire” from his upstairs window. Gustad hears the shouting and goes outside, but he only sees Tehmul standing by the fire. Mosquitos swarm, disturbed by the smoke. Gustad runs indoors, shouting at Dilnavaz to grab their biggest dishes, but when he goes to fill them, he discovers the water has been shut off. They will have to spend the evening swatting mosquitos and covering themselves in insect repellent.

Chapter 12 Summary

Roshan remains sick for several weeks and tries numerous tests and new medicines from Dr. Paymaster. Gustad offers to get her doll out of the cupboard when he comes home from work that evening. He sings her a lullaby, then takes the 39th bundle of money from the hiding place, observing the money is almost half gone. As he arrives at the bank, Laurie Coutino approaches Gustad and asks if she can speak to him privately during the lunch hour. He agrees then finds Dinshawji telling lewd jokes with some of the other bank workers. Gustad hands the packet of money to his friend, telling Dinshawji he won’t be available for lunch that day. Later that morning, Gustad finds himself walking past Laurie Coutino’s desk for no practical reason. They make eye contact, and Gustad’s pulse quickens as she smiles at him.

Laurie says she doesn’t mind where they go for lunch as long as it’s private so none of their colleagues will see them and get the wrong idea. She comments on Gustad’s limp, and he tells her about saving Sohrab’s life and about the bonesetter. They go to the restaurant near the fountain where Gustad sat with Dinshawji the day they witnessed Ghulam’s accident.

Gustad and Laurie go upstairs where there are small private dining rooms, aware of the usual sexual function of such spaces. Gustad apologizes to Laurie, who is willing to make the best of it since the room allows for privacy. They summon a waiter and order food. Laurie says she wanted to talk to Gustad about Dinshawji. She doesn’t mind his joking and singing, but she has discovered the meaning of the word lorri. At first she’d thought Dinshawji was referring to another girl called Laurie, a daughter or niece perhaps, but she now she knows it’s a lewd euphemism for penis. She’s humiliated and admits, “Mr. Dinshawji has ruined my own name for me” (176).

Laurie also says that Dinshawji claims he works for the Secret Service, that he has money to arm the guerilla fighters in Pakistan. Gustad is furious but pretends to find it funny for Laurie’s sake. Laurie says she’s come to Gustad instead of Mr. Madon as she doesn’t want Dinshawji to get fired and lose his retirement. Gustad tells her Dinshawji has been very ill. Gustad reassures Laurie that he will convince Dinshawji to stop upsetting her with suggestive jokes.

Gustad calls Miss Kutpitia to leave a message for Dilnavaz and Roshan that he will be late home. Overwhelmed by all that has gone wrong, Gustad remembers his promise to get Roshan’s doll out and regrets that he’d forgotten. Sitting at his desk, Gustad closes his eyes and rubs his aching head. When he opens his eyes, Dinshawji is standing in front of him. Anger makes Gustad slam his fist on the desk, startling Dinshawji. When Gustad reprimands his friend for being a “stupid fool” (178), Dinshawji is hurt without realizing what he’s done to make Gustad angry. Gustad tells Dinshawji to meet him outside at the end of the work day.

For the rest of the afternoon Gustad is distracted by all his worries, including Jimmy’s betrayal, Sohrab, Roshan’s illness, and the water sterilization problem. When Gustad sees Dinshawji at the end of the day, however, his anger returns, reinvigorating him. The two men walk down the crowded street to get tea, and Gustad tells Dinshawji what Laurie said to him at lunch; “Gustad minced no words, wanting them to be as deadly as the goaswalla’s knife that went bhup!” (181).

Dinshawji is horrified and apologetic. Gustad says he wants Dinshawji to stop his silly workplace antics. Dinshawji points out that if he is suddenly serious and quiet, everyone will suspect something is wrong. Gustad will spread a rumor that Dinshawji’s health is poor again to account for the sudden change in his behavior. The next morning, Dinshawji is quiet and serious, completely changed in his behavior and attitude. Gustad is surprised at how effectively Dinshawji is fooling everyone until he realizes it isn’t a ruse. The jolly Dinshawji was the artificial one; the sad, quiet man is his true self. Gustad feels the weight of having unmasked his friend.

When Gustad returns home from an errand, Dilnavaz tells him he’s had a visitor, a strange looking man with paint on his hand. He plans to come back later that evening. Gustad reassures her that he knows the man; he is the sidewalk artist, and he will help with the problem of the black wall.

When the artist comes back, Gustad shows him the black wall and explains how the wall is perfect for his paintings. There is a lot of foot traffic in this neighborhood, and many people will see his work and pay him for it. The artist likes the wall but objects to the stench. Gustad is prepared for this objection and convinces the painter by saying no one will defile a wall painted with religious images. The paintings themselves will solve the problem of people pissing on the wall. The two men agree to meet at the wall early the next morning.

As the sun comes up, Gustad finds the street sweeper and pays him to wash the black wall. The artist arrives with his gear, and when Gustad leaves for work a few hours later, he sees the painter already at work on his first image. The artist tells him it will be an image of the Hindu gods of creation. Gustad would have preferred Zarathustra for the first image, but he realizes the Hindu gods may have the strongest chance of dissuading the public urination. The artist asks Gustad’s permission to break a twig from the neem tree every morning to brush his teeth with. Gustad readily agrees as everyone else does that too.

Over the next several days, more and more images appear on the wall. The smell is gone, and the mosquitos are disappearing. As he works, the artist finds the wall is affecting him, making him yearn a permanent home for himself. The Hindu, Zoroastrian, and Christian gods on the wall stare out over an uncertain future.

Chapter 13 Summary

The air raid siren sounds as Gustad enters the bank. He hands the 51st bundle of money to Dinshawji; they are halfway through depositing the bag of money. Gustad is happy that Roshan is feeling better but sad to see Dinshawji looking ill. His stomach is distended. Everyone at the bank now seems aware of Dinshawji’s illness.

At home, the pavement artist has recovered from his restlessness and whistles while he works. Someone has left a small bouquet of flowers at the wall for the deities. As he nears his apartment door, Gustad sees Dilnavaz on the step, shushing a group of children at play. She tells Gustad that Roshan is sick again, worse than before. Gustad goes to check on her, tucked in her bed with her doll. He tells Dilnavaz he’s going to see Dr. Paymaster; Roshan need not come with him. He sits down to have a cup of tea first but jumps back up when he suspects Dilnavaz blames him for Roshan’s illness. Dilnavaz thinks it’s bad luck for him to leave without having any tea now that it’s been mentioned. “Drink it yourself,” he tells her, knowing she will suffer continued anxiety (187).

The doorbell rings just as Dilnavaz is deciding whether to consult Miss Kutpitia about Roshan’s condition. Dinshawji is at the door asking for Gustad. Dilnavaz is surprised at the change in him. She invites Dinshawji inside and calls to Tehmul to see if he can stop Gustad before he gets on a bus. Roshan comes to the room with her doll to sit with Dinshawji, and Tehmul returns to say that Gustad has already gone. Dinshawji appears upset, and Dilnavaz encourages him to wait for Gustad’s return. He shouldn’t be too long as he’s only gone to see Dr. Paymaster. Tehmul wants to touch the doll. Roshan refuses emphatically, and Dilnavaz sends Tehmul back outside. Dinshawji asks Roshan to sing him something, and she agrees to sing a song from school, then another one. Dinshawji and Roshan play games, stacking their fists, counting out their fingers. When Dilnavaz sends Roshan back to bed, the anxiety and worry returns to Dinshawji’s behavior and he sits, rolling and unrolling a newspaper in his hands.

Dr. Paymaster has had a trying day and is not in a good mood as he listens to Gustad. As he leaves with a new list of medications to try, Gustad is angered by the doctor’s attitude. “Doctors think everyone else is stupid,” he thinks (191). As he walks along, Peerbhoy Paanwalla calls out to tell him that Ghulam was there that morning and seemed very upset. He asks if Gustad knows what the matter was. When Gustad shakes his head no, the paanwalla offers to make a paan to sooth his lame hip. Gustad straightens himself up and demonstrates that he can walk properly. Nevertheless, he accepts the paan and puts the whole thing in his mouth. As he reaches the bus stop, Gustad spits half of it out. It has a strange taste and makes his mouth feel funny.

At home, Gustad is surprised to find Dinshawji there. Dilnavaz sees Gustad’s red lips and smells his breath. She berates him for the paan. Gustad brushes his teeth, but the strange numb feeling lingers. Dilnavaz makes tea for Gustad, Dinshawji, and herself, urging Gustad not to drink it while it’s scalding hot. Dinshawji hands Gustad the newspaper he has carried, along with the last bundle of money he was meant to deposit in the bank.

He points to an article called “Corruption is Rife in RAW,” and Gustad reads that Jimmy Bilimoria stole the money by impersonating the prime minister’s voice on the telephone. Dilnavaz hands Gustad a second cup of tea and he drops it, shattering the cup. He explains that Jimmy has been arrested and apologizes to Dinshawji for involving him in something criminal.

Dinshawji, being practical, thinks they should stop depositing the money. He suggests leaving the money that has already been deposited and contacting Ghulam about the remainder. Dinshawji apologizes for bringing such bad news to Gustad and Dilnavaz. After he leaves, Gustad sees that Roshan has left her doll on the sofa instead of taking it to her bedroom. Tehmul calls to Gustad from outside, pleading to touch the doll. Gustad waves but is too worn out to reply.

Chapter 14 Summary

Gustad walks past a milk stand where three small children examine the used bottles. The attendant shouts at them to go away, then catches the small girl by her sleeve, beginning to beat her. Gustad grabs the man from behind and remonstrates with him. Then Gustad buys a bottle of milk for the children, asking what flavor they would like.

Gustad continues until he reaches Peerbhoy Paanwalla’s cart, asking if Ghulam will be there today. Peerbhoy says Ghulam is already inside, and it’s no problem for Gustad to go into the House of Cages where he will find Ghulam in an office on the top floor. Gustad barely recognizes Ghulam, who has lost his bandages and grown out his beard. Ghulam says he has been expecting Gustad; he wants to reassure him that while it’s true that Jimmy is in jail, the rest of the published story is a lie. Gustad says he wants the truth, including the truth about the dead animals left in his vinca bush. Ghulam denies knowing anything about the animals and says that the story about Jimmy was concocted by enemies high up in the government to cover up their own wrongdoings. Now Jimmy’s life is threatened. Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the prostitutes yelling at someone.

Gustad hears a male voice in the chaos and realizes it’s Tehmul, who is shaking a tin of coins and trying to touch the women. Gustad yells for Tehmul to stop. Someone knocks the tin from Tehmul’s hand, spilling the coins on the floor. The women stop shouting as Ghulam demands to know what is happening. Gustad says he will take Tehmul home with him, and Ghulam gets the women to disperse back to their rooms. Not yet finished speaking to Ghulam, Gustad takes Tehmul outside and asks Peerbhoy Paanwalla to watch him until Gustad comes back. Back in his office, Ghulam tells Gustad the money must be sent back and asks him to withdraw the amount that has already been deposited in the bank. Warning Gustad that he has 30 days to return the full amount, Ghulam says, “I will do whatever is necessary to help Bili Boy” (205). The men agree on a date by which Gustad will return the cash. When he leaves the House of Cages, Peerbhoy Paanwalla tells him Tehmul has left.

Dilnavaz consults Miss Kutpitia about Roshan’s relapse, showing her the lime and chili garland. The older woman gives Dilnavaz two chunks of alum and a list of new rituals and behaviors she must practice to ward off the evil eye. Dilnavaz asks about Sohrab. Miss Kutpitia recommends patience and repeating the trimming and burning of Tehmul’s nails. Dilnavaz reminds Miss Kutpitia that there is one remaining ritual to use if all else failed, but she won’t budge, urging Dilnavaz to put that from her mind. Dilnavaz thanks Miss Kutpitia and leaves.

Dinshawji advises Gustad to follow Ghulam’s instructions to the letter. He reassures Gustad that withdrawing the equivalent of two bundles of cash a day won’t be a problem for him. Every evening he hands Gustad the bundles, and Gustad takes them home, stuffing them back into the hidden bag. The news story about Major Bilimoria is the subject of discussion and gossip at the bank. It’s unusual for a Parsi to be involved in such a major crime, and speculation is rife among the bank workers, most of whom are skeptical of the story.

Gustad is filled with admiration and respect for Dinshawji, who shows good sense and steely nerves. Fifteen days into the 30-day schedule, Gustad wakes in the morning to discover that someone has cut his vinca, his rosebush, and his subjo plants down to the ground. Gustad thinks about how Jimmy had loved that vinca plant. Dinshawji increases the withdrawals to three bundles a day. The full amount of money is restored to Gustad five days ahead of schedule. The next day, Dinshawji collapses and is rushed to Parsi General Hospital with Gustad by his side in the ambulance. When they arrive at the hospital, Dinshawji’s wife is not yet there. Dinshawji tells Gustad he felt his time was short and that’s why he stepped up the withdrawals from the fake account. He jokes lightheartedly and makes Gustad laugh. They shake hands, and Gustad leaves the hospital at Dinshawji’s urging. He sits on a sunny bench in the hospital garden, watching a butterfly and thinking of Sohrab.

Dilnavaz burns the alum on hot coals while Roshan watches. She sends Roshan back to bed and takes the burnt lump to Miss Kutpitia. They consider the blob, trying to see within it the shape of the person who has cast the evil eye on Roshan. At Miss Kutpitia’s prompting, Dilnavaz sees the shape of a dog. The women conclude that Mr. Rabadi is the culprit. “You know what to do,” Miss Kutpitia tells Dilnavaz (211).

As he arrives home, Gustad sees the wall artist working in the compound. He has completed many new paintings on the wall since Gustad last saw him; he is making money and has bought new clothes. He is also saving money to buy better paints and supplies. The artist tells Gustad the stories behind the new images, such as the saint Haji Ali and Mount Mary, a Catholic site of miracles. Inside the compound, Gustad runs into Inspector Bamji, who expresses his delight over Gustad’s solution to the wall problem. Inside his apartment, Gustad finds Roshan in tears. Someone has taken her doll. Gustad assures her that they will find it, all the while wondering, “Why did miracles and misfortune always come hand in hand?” (214).

Chapters 9-14 Analysis

In this section of the novel, complications arise from Gustad’s family problems and Jimmy’s money. We are told that refugees continue pouring into India from East Pakistan. The monsoons arrive.

Gustad’s hand is forced when he receives the warnings that he must deposit Jimmy’s money: two dead animals and a note left in his vinca bush. This represents the nadir of Gustad’s relationship with Jimmy. Gustad sees that “Jimmy Bilimoria had trapped him, robbed him of volition” (141). He has no choice in the matter and arranges with Dinshawji to deposit the money a little at a time to try to avoid suspicion. Gustad observes, “What a world of wickedness it has become” (142).

The government begins setting off the air-raid siren every morning at 10 o’clock, perhaps for practice or to familiarize people with the sound. The reader meets the pavement artist who will feature prominently later as the character who saves the black wall only to have it torn down by the city. The political situation stays in the forefront of the reader’s mind as Gustad and Dinshawji continue their discussions, expanding them to include the world stage. The US, they observe, will side with Pakistan because Indira Gandhi has been friendly to the Soviets. As the world becomes less civilized, they mourn the loss of the civilities once observed at their bank, which are not part of this more modern life.

Dilnavaz pursues folk-magic remedies with Miss Kutpitia, while Gustad takes Roshan to see Dr. Paymaster. Both these elements take us back to old-time traditions, to highlight the tension between the old and the new.

This section of the novel ends with the discovery that Jimmy has been imprisoned for illegally obtaining the money he sent Gustad. When he goes to see Ghulam, Gustad learns that Jimmy’s life is threatened, that he has been framed by those high up in government. Gustad must return all the money in the next 30 days. He and Dinshawji make a plan to withdraw the money, which they meet just as Dinshawji falls ill and has to be taken to the hospital.

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